Mar 10, 2007 13:16
bleh people are stupid! no man i am not kidding i sit here and listen to these "so called" educated people and they know nothing. i mean what the fuck? when i tell you i am sorry the hotel is fully commited that means... that there is no fucking god forsaken availablility!!! god fucken damn. i swear i remember when i used to like poeple. when being around them was nice. when listening to an english accent didn't send irritation signals through my synapses. ha i hate them all those fuckers. well not hate but you know.
anyway they finally got us internet again... HIP HIP HOORAY!!!
what the fuck!!! i hate this job but i did bad when all i can think of was i hate this job. so now i have a positive attitude and i am doing better. like before.
fuck gotta go.