Life and Times of Porch Dog.

Aug 02, 2009 14:54

There’s this dog that lives in the apartment adjacent to ours. Bethany and I have decided to call her (Beth insists it’s a female though I still need to check) “porch dog” since that’s where she spends most of her time in this 100+ degree Texas heat. Occasionally her owners, a younger couple, will put her in a kennel outside on the front doorstep, but “front doorstep dog” is just not a convenient nickname. Anyway, call me over sensitive, but porch dog makes me want to call animal services on its owners. I don’t know why I just don’t, maybe because in the back of my mind I’m thinking I’m being too sensitive and that some people believe that dogs truly belong outside, but this is ridiculous. Porch dog spends her time outside on the porch almost all day and night, which is where she no doubt also goes to the bathroom since the backyard below where porch dog sits (she’s on the second floor) is covered with piles and piles and piles of poop. I’ve also gone back there a few times to see water spots all over the ground and at first I thought these were puddles of urine, but I’ve considered the fact that porch dog’s owners probably just throw some water down on the porch from time to time to clean up all their dog’s messes.

This makes me wonder just why in the world these people would bother even owning porch dog rather than giving her up to a humane society. I know it seems a little harsh, but keeping a dog outside in the heat all day, only allowing her inside the house so she can be rushed out the front door to an awaiting kennel, just seems like cruelty. I’ve even though about going over there and just asking for porch dog, to talk her off the hands of her owners, who obviously don’t want her. Beth said that recently she saw the female owner of porch dog carrying a baby so that might be why porch dog is never allowed inside the house but that’s a pretty poor excuse if you ask me. I know you didn’t ask me but I’m telling you, it’s a sad excuse. In my opinion, dogs trump babies, but kittens trump dogs. That’s just the way it goes.

I’ve seen porch dog’s owners take her for a walk from time to time, if letting porch dog run outside freely in the apartment complex constitutes a walk. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice that the dog is able to run free but when the owners are no where to be found during this time, it’s kind of annoying. I’ve gone outside with Penny several times over the last few weeks to have porch dog run over to us in an attempt to what I think is her way of playing. She stops just short of us and stares me in the face like I owe her money. I never think she’s doing to hurt me or Penny, but you never know with dogs and it would be nice if the owners would take responsibility instead of just opening the front door and letting their dog run free. I’ve determined it is Penny’s goal to just run free with porch dog all day long and I’d be happy to oblige, but from the few instances I have seen the owners outside with the dog, that’ll never happen. Usually one of them will run up to porch dog if they notice her trying to play with Penny and they’ll rush her back inside the apartment again, back out to the porch to wallow in her lost friendship with my dog.
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