Sitting on the floor because I ain't got nothing to sit on.

May 23, 2009 21:40

Is it bad that I use Livejournal to keep track of what my friends are up to or is it just a sign of changing times? Thanks to LJ, I now know that Jackie is a hot redhead, Danielle's a ginger kid, Stephanie is addicted to video games (and never invites me to play), Maria needs to catch a break, Jessica is going to be writing my resignation letter whenever I quit my job, and Tiara's cats are probably going to grow up to be serial killers.

With that in mind, I suppose it's time to find out what I've been up to, and the answer to that is not a whole lot. Bethany and I are moving to a bigger apartment in the same complex, so we've been moving our stuff for the last few weeks. I have to say that friends really come in handy when you're moving. I just moved our mattress up a flight of stairs by myself and it sucked about as much as it sounds. I don't know what Beth and I did to that mattress (actually, yes I do) but it was like moving a thirty-pound pancake. Every time I would start to drag it the end of it would just flop and it would eventually topple over. I tried to look really pathetic while moving it hoping that someone would help me out but I guess I didn't play it up enough. Next time I'll bring along a baby.

Speaking of which, I really want to see The Hangover. I'm sure it's going to be stupid, but the commercials make me laugh, especially watching Zach Galifianakis carry around a baby and Mike Tyson drumming to "In the Air Tonight." I'm so glad I'm not in film school anymore. I would have been drawn and quartered by now.

I'm losing focus just while typing all this out because of the loud bass that is vibrating my walls. We had a new neighbor move in a week ago and he hasn't stopped playing music since he moved in. I'm really glad that this is at the old place and not the new place.

I can't think of much else that has been going on. I'm losing weight sort of. When we got to Texas, I was somewhere between 245 and 250 and I weighed myself this morning and I'm at 227. I want to be able to fit into a comfortable and good looking tuxedo for my wedding. After that I'll be a fat kid again.

Oh, and I thought about shaving my head the other day. I'm really sick of my thin hair. I can't keep it long because of work and I can't do anything with it short that hides the fact that my hair is so thin. I might have to go to a salon next time I get a hair cut; maybe I can get a better opinion on what to do with my hair. I've looked online to see what I should do and from what I've read, short hair hides thin hair better than long hair but I have to disagree. Maybe I just don't have the right style. If anyone that knows anything about hair has any suggestions for short hairstyles that might hide how thin my hair is, throw it at me. I'm all ears.
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