
Feb 18, 2009 08:21

I'm engaged now. I think most people might have known that already but for those who didn't, I'm totally engaged. No joke. I asked Beth on Friday the 13th (how fitting and romantic I know) and she said, "Yeah, alright, if there is no one else." We're not sure when to get married but we want to make it either Halloween (October 31st) or November 13 (check the calendars, it's another Friday the 13th!) of this year. Not sure where or what the details are yet, but first we have to sort out that whole where are we going to be living fiasco. Since the economy is still in the toilet, Beth is having trouble getting another nursing assignment so we might be resigned to staying in San Antonio for a little while longer.

Speaking of sorting out, I'm heading in for an interview at Six Flags this morning. There is a job opening in their accounting department that I'm hoping I get. It'll make the decision to stay here be that much easier since I'll actually have a steady income and be able to contribute. Other than that, not much else. We've done a few fun things around the San Antonio area that I'll post up on Facebook soon enough. We also saw Friday the 13th yesterday. Naturally I was going to see it. I don't have time to go into details, but I thought it was alright. Jason was definitely the kind of killer he should be and I didn't find myself rooting for him as I did in most of the latter sequels of the franchise. Problem is, I wasn't really rooting for the kids in the movie either since almost all of them were kind of annoying. I liked the first group of campers (who survive all of about 25 minutes) much more and wish the movie had followed them.
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