Zombies and eBay

Jan 08, 2009 10:53

I'm looking at Craigslist hoping to stumble upon a writing job when I see a posting that reads, "Do you want to be a zombie?" I'm thinking, "Yeah, that's one of my life goals," so I check it out. It's a posting from a company called Live the Darkness and they're looking for zombies and zombie victims (!) to be in their new movie. I want to do it, but it's a twenty-mile drive just to the "headquarters," then another twenty-miles out of town for the filming location. Still though, this is one of those unique experiences I've been waiting for. Since it's an independent film, there is no compensation, but just think, the people that worked as zombies on Night of the Living Dead just got a free T-shirt.

Other than dreaming of my zombie likeness, I've been having an e-mail war with eBay. I think someone hacked into my account and changed my password; either that or I'm completely dumb and forgot it. Either way, I need to change my password. I click on the "forgot password" part of eBay, which takes me to a page that asks me to put in my user name and click continue. I do and it takes me to a page saying "Page Not Found." Fine, so I e-mail eBay and their first response is to do exactly what I just did, despite the fact that in my e-mail I tell them that it didn't work. I reply to them, "Sorry but that doesn't help me at all."

Second response is to go to an eBay affiliated website and try the "forgot password" page there. Problem is, it takes me right back to eBay and the "Page Not Found." As I type all this out I realize how stupid it all is, but it's just frustrating that no one there is obviously reading my e-mails. They have templates for different problems and the person sending them to me is seeing the word "password" and just sending templates, not even bothering to read my e-mail. I understand the volume that eBay must get a day but come on, how is this productive?

God it would be awesome if I were a zombie. I could then register myself on IMDB and finally be linked to Kevin Bacon!
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