Feb 07, 2007 10:44
I'm done with school. Not in the literal sense, of course, but in the sense that I'm tired of looking for parking and tired of boring classes where I don't do anything of importance or interest. I skipped Adaptation today for the second time this semester (that's out of five total classes for those keeping track) because I couldn't find parking. Normally, I'll head to one lot, look around until about 10:25 (the class starts at 10:30), and then wind up leaving. This time, I circled around four different lots from 9:50 to 10:30 and found nothing, absolutely nothing. Bethany has a theory that if you circle around a parking level long enough, something will free up, but not this morning. 10:00AM is one of the worst times to park on campus because no one is leaving but everyone is coming to campus, so it's a massive clusterfuck of cars.
Plus, it doesn't help that I'm not a huge fan of Adaptation, which is a real shame since I was really looking forward to taking it. We just don't use class time effectively enough. We'll spend one entire class period (that's 2 hours and 50 minutes) talking about a work that we just read, and then the next week we'll watch the movie that was made from it. I understand spending an entire class watching a movie, but spending the entire class before that talking about the adapted work is a bit ridiculous in my view, especially since the professor always winds up saying, "You'll see how they did it next week" when anyone asks how the movie differs from the original work. Talk about the work for thirty minutes, let us break, and then show the movie. It'll save lots of time, I promise.