Oct 04, 2006 12:42
Since when did calling to confirm a credit card become so difficult? I just called to confirm my new Best Buy credit card and had to listen to this woman (who spoke English, but clearly hasn't mastered it) explain some program that Best Buy offers its cardholders that would cost me $1.00 for the first 30 days, and then $9.95 a month after that. I have no idea what the program was about or how it benefited me in the slightest bit since I couldn't really understand what this woman was saying, so I rejected the offer. Then, as if that wasn't enough, she insisted that I get the program because it is only $1.00 for a 30-day trial. I rejected again and one more time she told me all about the program, which I had heard twice already and still didn't understand it, and the third time didn't succeed either. She finally accepted my rejection and let me just confirm that I got the card. Come to think of it, I probably could have avoided calling altogether, as I have used the card before and know it's activated. I feel bad for the woman that has to give that spiel every single time someone calls, and I feel even worse thinking about how angry some people must get when she doesn't just take "no" for an answer, but then I think about all the people that accept the program just because she insists upon it.