Nov 24, 2009 16:29
The Lost Symbol Fun. Shocking. Not wonderfully written.
The Help Fun. Shocking. Wonderfully written.
New England White Fun-ish. Not done with it yet. Love the psycho girl.
Sasha Too many politics. Raaawr!
My personal linguistics project is getting pretty rough, especially juxtaposed with the essays/projects for my FIVE OTHER CLASSES. Sheesh.
In my English class, I'm learning about telepathy. XD
I get to write a short story from my mom's perspective for my Women Writers class. I'm going to pick an incident from my childhood when she refused to let me bring a filthy walking stick I found in the park into her house.
Um, what else?
I'm going home tomorrow for Thanksgiving, yay! I'm going to go to a party called The Bloat that we (family and family friends) celebrate every year, stuffing ourselves and having water gun fights and the like.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.