Susan AKA Fanged Leetle Girl: A Memoir

Aug 07, 2005 14:07

hello earthchildren, my beautiful sweets ,my babys, my lovelys.

i am wriing to you from ze chair of maria lopez. yes i took her chair. i am viddy happy today because i am spending it wiz my best friend, maria. i only get to see her once a year so this is viddy, viddy special. i have developed ze russian accent from staying in alabama.

today is ze Luna's birthday and ve vill be eating at ze Macaronni Grill, vhere ze waiters vill sing fer her. So lovely fer her.

vunce upon ze time, zer vas a sveet, cute, leetle girl named Susan. But at night she grew fangs, like a great fanged sveet leetle girl. And vun night she bit me, on ze foot. and zat is vhy I have ze sveet leetle girl named Susan attached to my foot.
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