My Life Philosiphy Is...

Jan 21, 2005 23:56

Sitting in my dorm room thinking about how just in the past few weeks my life has been turn upside down for the better and I wonder how and why certain things happen. Or moreso, why does God allow certain things to happen. Though this is not a question for me to answer, I'm pretty sure I know the answer already which makes me wonder why I asked the question in the first place.

Are you confused yet?

I love complex thinking, it keeps me on my feet and my sanity. I'm not crazy... Life, well at least mine anyway, deals with intricate details and phatom thoughts of what ifs and why not and how come and the big one... Why me. But in all those questions lies the answer of not only the original question but more and what the good news is, is you can have all the answers of life by just looking inside yourself and finding out who you are.

Am I making sense yet?

You know the funny thing about people is that they don't know just how valuable their life is until it's taken away, or how rich in life they are until they see a poor person, or how pretty darn not messed up their life is until they truly face life on the rough side.

That's just my random thoughts of the day after being very hyper and happy and enjoying a fun day of the movies with my wonderfully fantastic roomate and good friends. Now I must go and talk to the future husband about our future. :D
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