Sep 19, 2008 23:13
As subject line says, midterms are finally over ♥~ And for the first time ever, I'm really happy with my results :D The fact I didn't fail alone is rather amazing, accounting that I spent study time marathoning Nodame Cantabile on Onemanga instead XD; Speaking of which, it still makes me a bit sad thinking about it now ;~; I do hope Chiaki and Nodame finds a happy end /nonsense.
There's a class party tomorrow that requires us to dress up as a doctor or a nurse to attend. Why oh why is there a theme~ I might just buy a toy stethoscope from the $2 shop in the morning and call my outfit done XD
Michi~! Stop disagreeing with me and just accept that your smile is dazzling already, woman~! <--- main point of this post.