Empire kit

Sep 08, 2013 14:27

Before-event panic of "my big robe looks a bit terrible, and also has random holes, and also the top layer is one piece rather than three so I can't take it apart like I was hoping".

It turns out that my kit looks much more Urizen if I just add a sash with the hanging-down part.

That's new kit #1. Top from East (size 12, some weirdness around the shoulders, buttons fiendishly difficult to undo once done up), skirt/dress is my old blue one from New Look, sash is a random silver-grey pashmina from a charity shop. It'll need pinning to stay in place for a whole event but that'll be good enough. Also pinning up the tassels at the end inside the fabric, so that it instead comes to a point or a flat end.

No hero belt (because it would look totally wrong), but instead I can use the brown leather satchel that I had for Potch. (Not the handbag, the larger one that the A4 folder went in.)

i want it to be bloooo, empire, costuming

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