30 day True Blood challenge

May 25, 2011 10:35

Day 01- Your favorite female character: Pam

Day 02- Your favorite male character: Eric

Day 03- Your favorite couple: Jessica and Hyot

Day 04- Your favorite quote: Russell Edgington: Does that help you decide America? Do not turn off the camera! You've seen how quickly I can kill. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Russell Edgington and I have been a vampire for nearly three-thousand years. Now, the American Vampire League wishes to perpetuate the idea that we are just like you. I suppose in a few small ways we are. We're narcissists. We care only about getting what we want no matter what the cost just like you. Global warming, perpetual war, toxic waste, child labor, torture, genocide, That's a small price to pay for your SUVs and your flat screen TVs, your blood diamonds, your designer jeans, your absurd garish McMansions! Futile symbols of pertanence to quell your quivering, spineless souls. But no, in the end we are nothing like you. We are immortal. Because we drink the true blood. Blood that is living, organic and human. And that is the truce the AVL wishes to conceal from you because let's face it eating people is a tough sale these days so they put on their friendly faces to pass their beloved VRA but make no mistake. Mine is the true face of vampire! Why would we seek equal rights? You are not our equals. We will eat you after we eat your children. Now time for the weather. Tiffany?

Day 05- Your favorite promo for season 3: VILF

Day 06- Your favorite Lafayette/Tara moment: http://youtu.be/ZMOypXPrl_Y


Day 07- Your favorite Eric/Sookie moment: http://youtu.be/vZ5Quf0o0IQ

Day 08- Your favorite Sookie/Bill moment: http://youtu.be/hNryOk1GrI0

Day 09- Your favorite Eric/Bill moment: http://youtu.be/es4Hb2J4cYk

Day 10- Your favorite Sam/Sookie moment: http://youtu.be/B3eUrOz-O70

Day 11- Your favorite Sookie Stackhouse moment: http://youtu.be/-uZFZYVTPbQ

Day 12- A scene/moment that pissed you off: http://youtu.be/4VTi4PcDS-E

Day 13- A scene/moment that made you cry: http://youtu.be/3D95f75W5go

Day 14- A scene/moment that made you happy: http://youtu.be/vZ5Quf0o0IQ

Day 15- Your OTP: Eric and Sookie

Day 16- Your favorite episode: episode 10 season 3 I Smell A Rat

Day 17- Your least favorite episode: "The Fourth Man in the Fire"

Day 18- Your least favorite character: Bill

Day 19- Your least favorite scene: http://youtu.be/vZ5Quf0o0IQ

Day 20- Your favorite villain: Russell Edgington

Day 21- Your favorite guest-star: Desnis O’Hare

Day 22- Your least favorite guest-star: Michelle Forbes

Day 23- The character you most relate to: Hoyt Fortenberry

Day 24- The character you would like to hear/see more of: Tommy Mickens

Day 25- Something that happened you wish hadn’t: http://youtu.be/4VTi4PcDS-E

Day 26- Something that hadn’t happened but you wish had: Eric Stakes the bartender and the driveway

Day 27- Your idea for a future True Blood episode: Tommy/Jessica

Day 28- Your idea for a future True Blood character: A shifter girl for Tommy

Day 29- Your idea for a future True Blood couple: Tommy/Jessica

Day 30- Whatever tickles your fancy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GveUjPdOo3w

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