(no subject)

Jan 25, 2006 23:12

Hello Nicole,

Thank you for your email.  Unfortunately, in this situation you will either need to drop one of the papers, or go to alternate lectures for these.  You would need to discuss the second option with your lecturers, just to make sure you weren’t going to miss too much content.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Anna Smith

Massey Contact National

Well thats the email I got back from Massey when I asked what to do about my two clashing papers in the second semester.... its soooo gaylord and just doesnt make sense... I mean its biology of plants and biochemistry of cells.... WTF?!?! they go together pretty well.... crappy pooooooo. ah well I'll just leave it for a while and maybe swap biochem with essentials of mammalian biology. YAYAYAYAYA most of my papers have 'bio' in them. =D

Oh GOD exam results =S 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora 2mora  *panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic *

*fall over*
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