Few things

Aug 18, 2008 16:36

1) I now have a car! Well I had it for a few days, but wasn't legally able to drive it until today at 2h40 when I finished my driving exam. Yeah! My dad came and visit last week so I could practise and he left it behind. I got a new licence number for it and everything. BUT. It was leaking. And the landlord/owner of where I live is an old mechanic so he checked it out. Said It would break down any moment and he had to change a pipe-thingy so the oil would flow freely. He offered to change it for cheap since he likes me. Therefor I have 150$ repair on a car I have never drove. XD
but it should be ready to go next week when he gets the part from the company.

2) While waiting for my exam today I might have been converted to bandom trough this old magazine bought for 50¢ in an old book store. turps33 do you want it? I though of you while buying it and I can send it over if you want.

3)I've been watching SGA and I nearly died of cute in the episode where Dr. Mckay is stuck with a women soldier in his head. I don't know why I thought it was so cute but I did. I've also been reading the Runaways a comic book thing that remielle uploaded for me. It is so good. XD

4) It was really pretty here yesterday.

I just really like the clouds on this first one. And That's the view I have from my front balcony. My house is high and I don't know why.

5) In conclusion


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