Mar 10, 2008 21:02
OK. Who has seen No Country for Old Men?
Deep breath.
I mean WTF! How could this win best movie?
I don't want to bash it or anything since I did not see the ending. (I left before the end.)
But can America really wonder why they have gun problems if this is there best movie?
Ok. calm down.
I shouldn't have gone to see it anyways. I hate violence.
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Comments 9
The Lord of the Rings
Million Dollar Baby
And really I look at the list and there is a lot of movie in there I love and a lot I haven't seen.
But this movie was just wrong to me.
I mean there is a lot of violence in Gladiator, but it didn't bother me because It was part of the story that made sens.
In No Country for Old Men, they're just fighting over a pile of money. And killing bystander on the way.
I'm sorry I'm ranting again and I know it wasn't the point of your comment!
And no I haven't seen Driving Miss Daisy ;p.
I didn't really like Chicago (or a Beautiful Mind), so just matter of opinion really.
The thing about the Coen Brothers is that they have a very distinct style. Have you seen anything else by them? Judging by what I've seen from them, you probably missed something significant at the end.
If I did miss something in the end, I guess I'll never know because I won't watch it again.
But If ever I get my hands on another Coen movie, it won't stop me from giving it a try.
I just feel that at one point in a movie you should put the gun down and be able to say something else.
Yes Javier Bardem was good, but I don't think because they show long quiet shots of the desert that it justifies a story where everyone gets killed over a pile of money.
But then it's just a matter of opinion.
And I was really frustrated when I wrote that post. I've calmed down since. :p
Ce film était juste wow.
Violent, soit, mais wow.
Il mérite l'oscar. Je t'avoue que je n'ai pas vu There will be blood, mais pour avoir vu les autres en lices, il est loin devant!
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