SO SAYETH THE BOUNTY! type post. I am declaring Wednesday a holiday

Feb 22, 2010 19:14

A while back, we had Brain Weasel stomping day. A day to randomly show up in people's LJ posts, on FB, on Twitter, wherever you want, and tell people happy things about why you like them, to remind people of their own value to others, and just, generally, to help people feel good about themselves. There's a lot of negativity going around, and thusly, I declare Wednesday the next Brain Weasel Stomping Day.

So, on Wednesday, February 24, find your way of telling people you like, love, or just people that seem cool, good things about themselves, to remind them that they're cared about. We could all use a healthy removal of those damn brain weasels. So Sayeth the Bounty.

So, who's with me?

ETA: spelling correction. Spell check FAIL.
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