Aug 16, 2008 09:39
Yesterday I did an interesting thing: I posted up to Twitter "Finish the phrase: 'August showers bring...'". I got a bevy of responses that mostly had to do with people washing the bad emotion they'd gone through over summer off and moving on and forward. Oddly enough, a few nights ago, I burned a CD that I ended up calling "Moving Forward Toward Fall" and put raindrops all over the damn thing. Mind you, this is before it started raining and turning into winter. Seriously, I thought I was going to get "August showers bring winter damn it." :)
In other news, the first week of Fall classes is behind me, and I haven't ditched once. ;) With this next week's events inevitable, I'm assuming I won't be ditching much at all this semester, because I'm going to want to keep myself quite occupied to avoid overthinking my life.
My first class is (Oooooooh, Linkin Park just came on the radio...good music for this morning!) Cultural Diversity in the Modern world with Professor Terneny. She's...interesting. I can tell she's opinionated, but respects other's thoughts too. Thursday already saw a mini-debate, so we'll see what happens with that class. I like it so far and my semester long project involves the study of Asian cultures. I couldn't have lucked out better if I ASKED to study Asian cultures!
Next I go to Archaeology of Mexico and Central America (I CAN'T TYPE TODAY!!) with Professor Beekman. A few years ago I called him "Christopher 'I sound like Hugo Weaving' Beekman," and it still holds quite true. I had to laugh at that. Sadly, I've flunked two previous classes with him, one of them being this course I'm taking again. But, fresh off the heals of my summertime success with Biological Anthropology (I GOT AN A!!), I'm hoping third time is the charm here, and I plan to work my ass off in order to gain his respect again.
Then I have a break, which I must stop using to go to Larimer Square to spoil myself with $30.00 gourmet lunches! :) Rioja was AMAZING though...
I come back to the Media Center, which I've never taken a class in (for the Media students, full of tele equipment, etc) for Theory and Practice of History with Professor Levine-Clark. She is COOL. :) She is passionate about History and loves to teach this course; hell, she wrote this course! Literally. It's a requirement for History Majors, so everyone in the class is already as amped up about history as I am. I have yet to dig really far into the reading for this class, but like it at this point and hope to take valuable information for research from this course.
Finally I am taking British Isles to 1714 with Professor Smith. He was the professor I took Reformation Europe with this summer and enjoyed. So far the class is interesting, and is focus (of course) on just the British Isles. I don't know much ancient British history (such as the Roman occupancy from say ~80 CE to ~400CE) so it's really neat in my lecture and reading because it's dramatic history and I'm actually enthralled by the story so far.
And switching the channel again: Last night Jackie and I hung out for the first time since probably my Birthday. It was really nice. :) It was just her and I and we went to Edgewater Inn to have pizza. That's Jackie's Pre-Broncos pit stop. I LOOOOOOOOOVED their pizza. I want it again, like maybe right now. Mmmm... After we were done there, we were thinking about checking out the Tiki Torch right next door but I had drank two beers by that point and wanted to take it easy. So instead we went to meet a friend, Mike, at Nardo T's Bar. It was a cool little old school dive and soon they will be serving...CHICKEN AND WAFFLES! Mmmm....The only food I ate there was a couple bites of pumpkin It was tasty. So I'll go back (that is, if I'm that far north).
Then I came home and went to bed. :) Tonight I'm going to see Josh's band REDO play for the first time. Ben and I are going. I have two more tickets, too, if anyone is interested in joining us.
dining out,
ucd undergraduate,
live shows,