It's Mah Friday!!

Jul 23, 2007 17:55

Heyo all,

It's my Friday evening at work and I've got five more minutes to log on the clock! Then I'm pack. Yaymorework!! :) I AM getting really excited to move, although things have with Arno. I really am getting to the IDON'TFUCKINCARE! point with him.

Aaaaanyway, tomorrow I'm going to lounge, pack, read Harry Potter, since I'm hideously behind compared to all my everyone I know, and then tomorrow night I'm going to see the Wedding Site with D and fam and friends. I'm excited! I can't believe her wedding is only three months...less than...away!! XD

Wednesday I'm going to pack. Catching a theme here? I need to pack! I move around the 30th, so...I've got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, because I work at Bonefish on Wednesday night. Then it's back to Westlake Thursday morning.

And OH YEAH! Dillon turns 21 on Wednesday! So I'll probably be going to JR's with him, or at least to meet him, on Tuesday at midnight. I can't wait!

Friday is Arno's birthday, and he's having a huge BBQ with one of his highschool friends who lives out in like..fuckin Roxburough or something. That'll be sweet. I was going to set up some huge plans but alas...he's broken up with me again and now he's acting like nothing happened. Yeah, so I'm pretty much not into it.

harry potter, plans, arno, moving, dillon, packing

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