I'm not sure why, But lately I have been mesmerized by porn websites that offer the kind of "amateur" at home pornstars who make money running their site, but they seem not to be the high gloss, "professional" actresses that we see so often. Also, some of these ladies offer parties or one on one rendezvous with their members and fans! I find this to be SUCH a huge turn on.(maybe I'm just totally perverted. Not that I would have the guts to appear in one of their videos. I would love to attend one of these parties just for the experience of it. It fascinates me that this is becoming a popular selling point in the online porn industry.
Our very own Crazy Slutty from right here on LJ.
(she provides excellent custom videos & pictures for her members)
http://www.crazyslutty.com/ These Two are more "commercial", but are still Hot & Fresh
http://www.taylorbow.com/t1/pps=comein/http://www.brandibelle.com/ Here are the Party Sluts who you can meet in person
http://pornoasis.com/frame.htmhttp://www.fuckfestparties.com/http://www.thenympho.com/http://cj-window.com/frames.htmhttp://www.cathyscraving.com/public/index.htmlhttp://realorgyparties.com/frame.htmhttp://www2.erindaye.com/tour2/entrance.phphttp://www.christinanoir.com/c6jkuw3/gallery01.htmhttp://candychristopher.com/0309tour/frame1.htm These Three are some of my Old Time Favorites
http://www.ideepthroat.com/index2.htmhttp://www.wifeysworld.com/http://www.carolcox.com/index.html This Girl Goes on Tour every year to meet her fans!