Jun 07, 2006 17:39
i'm really really content with life right now. Yes, I'm working 2 jobs, yes, i'm always really tired, yes, I have 2 classes every damn day of the week for 4 hours, but all in all my life is fantastic. I'm really proud of myself lately, and i've never really felt like that or said that before. It feels good.
I was in class today thinking and I was wondering if there is always going to be something "better" out there. I just got to thinking about how I was SOOOOO happy with anthony, and then I was SOOOOO happy to be rid of him, and now i'm SOOOO happy with Justin. It just seems like I always think i'm at my happiness peak....until things change or I experience something different and then that is better than the previous situation. So will there always be "better" out there, and if I finally decide to settle down...does that just mean i'm content with what I have and i'm giving up on searching for anything better? I don't know, it was weird. I was thinking about all my friends and their relationships as well. We were all "in love" and then when that ended it seemed like the world was going to fall apart......until something else came along. Life is strange. I suppose we will never know.
Am I making sense?
P.S. if you just lower your standards and give in to the fast food world, it's actually really easy to find a job.