Pelosi Stirs Questions With Denial She Was Briefed About Waterboarding The article goes into the contravercial interrogation techniques that were reportedly used on terrorist suspects. Nancy Pelosi had claimed that she had never been briefed on these torture techniques being used on the suspects, but later on two anonymous officials were quoted saying that Pelosi and three others had been given an hour long briefing on these techniques and had never raised an objection. Pelosi continues to deny these claims and keeps repeating that she was "not told that waterboarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation methods were used".
Now, this would seem like a reasonable article to report on, except for the fact that Fox News takes it a step farther and puts their own spin on matters. They clearly believe that Pelosi had been aware of these techniques, although they state nothing more than their first anonymous officials that had been quoted. Barbs towards Pelosi were also scattered through the article that support Fox New's stance on this story.
This, again, goes against the idea that media should be reporting in a non-biased manner. They should be reporting facts and not opinions. They give such strong opinions that they could very well pull many readers over to their own method of thinking without giving them a chance to evaluate and come to their own conclusions. Just looking over the flames from reader comments on the article gives me more than enough examples of that.