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Vt. Country Store turns racy When browsing for an article to write about here, I had not been expecting to see something like this on the front page of the Burlington Free Press website and in the most prominent position with other articles that really seemed to be of a superfluous nature. With all the issues that the Burlington Free Press could choose to report on and put on the front page, I am surprised that they chose to write about the Vermont Country Store's decision to start selling sex aids in their catalogue. This would definitely be considered "soft news" as we discussed in Social Responsibility in the Media, and so I am only beginning to see the reason as to why the Burlington Free Press would choose to put this article in a prime spot on their front page. Reading through the article and all the quotes about offended customers really reveals the scandalous air this choice has taken, and people love to read about scandals these days.
The article also seems to be completely one-sided, and Social Responsibility in the Media taught the importance of unbiased reports. A majority of the quotes are taken from those who take offense or who argued against the move of the Vermont Country store towards celling sex aids. There was a quick blurb about how these new products are apparently selling very well, but no numbers in relation have been released. That section was quickly concluded with the statement of how the “family still ongoing” and then the article ends with a final quote of “It doesn't fit the store's image”. If the products really are selling so well and if the reporter had wished to truly take an unbiased stance, they could have found someone who was not so strongly opposed to the store's move. They could also have attempted to speak more with the man behind the decision instead of merely quoting him through the disapproval of others.
- Jennifer Neves