Analysis: High-seas raid deepens Israeli isolation - Yahoo! News Israel's bloody, bungled takeover of a Gaza-bound Turkish aid vessel is complicating U.S.-led Mideast peace efforts, deepening Israel's international isolation and threatening to destroy the Jewish state's ties with key regional ally Turkey.
Am I the only one who just doesn't get the media's coverage of this? Why is this so hard to understand? In 2007 Gaza was taken over by Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization that has vowed to wipe israel from the map. In response to these repeated, public vows (and quite a few bombings of israel by Hamas) Israel blockaded the country. They allow signifigant food and supplies into the country once they have searched them, but they will not allow many supplies needed to rebuild the country. (Mostly because when they do, Hamas builds bunkers and bombs instead of schools.)
So aid organizations want to bring supplies to Gaza. Israel says sure - bring them to our port and let us check them to make sure they don't have weapons or bomb making supplies. The aid organizations say no - we were checked in cairo. Israel says sorry, not good enough. We are the ones who will be bombed, we need to search the ships before we can allow them in. I find this imminently reasonable given the west bank is ran by an organization who wants to kill all israelies.
The aid decides to try to ram a military blockade. Israel then sends commandos armed with paint ball guns to land on the ship and divert it to maintain their blockade. It is only when these supposed humanitarians decide to attack the israeli soldiers with metal poles, try to take their guns and throw them off the boat that the israeli's use their side arms. You can see the mob violence here: Who attacks soldiers and expects to not be shot? What planet are they from?
And now the media is trying to say the people on the aid ship were victims? They don't look like victims to me. They didn't act like victims. They were aggressors - ignoring repeated pleas to not try to cross the blockade.
They want free access to non searched goods? Elect non-terrorist representatives. Quit blowing yourselves up trying to kill civilians.
Why is this so hard to understand? And why are people buying this poor attacked aid ship people crap?? I just don't get it. And hell, I don't even think they should have created Israel in the first place. But this is just rediculous.