My thoughts on fear

May 02, 2006 13:32

I don't usually make a public sort of post as I never really felt comfortable with 'the masses' seeing it.

Today is a different day. I felt compelled to write my thoughts on 'fear' as that is something I have been dealing with often.

Just a reassurance this isn't an 'Emo' post which i have had every so often, simply... are my thoughts.

Fear is a strong emotion that can cause us to act and think in ways we normally would rather not. It's part of a survival instinct inherent to all living things.

Fear seems to be bore of pain, be it physical, mental or emotional. The more damage incurred from an event, person, item or action created more pain and a greater fear of those things. The more fear the more intense ones reaction can be.

Some people are better at dealing with their fears than others. I usually think I'm not to great with it. These days I have allot of my fears requesting immediate attention, if not being ever present, ingrained in my psyche. In that, any step i take against my own fears makes them easier to deal with. So proportionately, I am not as bad at it as I think.

Plenty of people say to me "Just let it go..", or, "It's all in the past.". To be truthful, for me, it's never been an easy thing to do and it seems to take either allot of time and effort or intervention from some intense positive happening that disproves the fear and allows me to write it off.

In that I understand how allot of people say that you have to work yourself out of your problems. At first I always though positive happenings, people, situations that disproved those fears I had were the main way to fight it. However then improving gets placed away from where it should be, out of my own control.

However, to dig myself out of the fear I do indeed need some influence to inspire such an occurance. At the very least something to help me see exactly what is going on, why the fear or problems are there and what makes it better, or worse.

I still am unsure of every single step of a healing process, but I do know that it only gets easier and the more personal effort I do put in creates a foundation from which i can handle what I have to handle when I have no outside help, or when the fear and pain becomes triggered by those things which created it in the first place.

Every occurrence of those feared situations is yet another chance to change, and sometimes I think we are drawn twords those occurrences to help ourselves. To heal and change, to grow and become more than what we are and what we were.

So have faith that it's really not the world or yourself trying to toss a monkey wrench into the works. Most likely your getting the opportunities you need to to become stronger than you feel you are or once were. (I have to remind myself of this every day and sometimes every moment.)

I hope you are all doing well, and that i run into you in one way or another soon. I'll make a post about what I have been doing lately when I can.

Thanks for everything,

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