May 1 C : Write about a time you truly struggled.

Jun 15, 2007 09:16

Padme stood in the throne room, looking out over the courtyard below.

They were running out of time.

The Trade Federation's blockade on her planet was worrying her and upsetting her people. Her people were suffering and that just wasn't something she could tolerate. It was her job to protect them and do what was best for them. What the Trade Federation was doing was unacceptable.

The Imperial Senate had dispatched two of their best negotiators in an attempt to defuse the situation and get the Viceroy to call off his blockade.

If something didn't happen soon, there would be war. She would not meekly offer her throat to the viceroy, but she didn't want her people to die.

It was a struggle that she had never expected to have to take part in when she was nominated as queen. War and blockades were not something that any of them had any experience with. Naboo was a peaceful planet and things like this just did not happen.

Yet it was happening.

Padme frowned and shook her head.

She would not lose her people to the Trade Federation. She would not let them continue to suffer.

However, she really didn't like any of the alternatives at hand.

Muse: Padme Amidala
Fandom: Star Wars prequels
Word Count: 207

talking muses, may prompt 1 c : truly struggled

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