Aug 16, 2006 20:53
pixelsrzen starts a meme
Post 10 things you want to say to members of your LJ friends list. Do not identify who they're intended for, even under extreme torture. They may apply to more than one LJ friend, or, perhaps they all apply to only one LJ friend. Post this in your LJ to take part... :) Okay, so I've wanted to finally complete this for sometime now....and I am finally getting the time to do so. Also, thanks to pixelsrzen for the post that inspired this.
1. I hope to meet you someday.
2. You are such a beautiful person and so inspiring to me. I look forward to reading your posts.
3. You are often on my mind.
4. I wonder where you went, I hope everything is okay with you.
5. I would love to write and express my feelings as elaborately and eloquently as you do in yours.
6. I admire your mind.
7. I wish you would contact me somehow.
8. I always look forward to your comments.
9. I wish I could be of help to you somehow, and I am concerned about you at different times.
10. I wonder if you still read this at all....
Well that's it :). Thanks again to pixelsrzen for the idea. later, bn.