Thanks to
pixelsrzen for making me think about it, but even my answer to his question has me thinking. Here it is:
I think a lot about myself, what I was, what I am, and what I would like to become. When it comes to what I would like to become, I think about the things I can work on and change, though I generally try to accept myself for who I am right now. answer the question for you? cheers, bn.
The question was basically whether you like who you are, and if there were parts of yourself you cannot stand? In relation to the thought, if you should "know thyself", what if you don't like yourself.
Now, I would not say that there are parts of me that I cannot stand, but there are parts of me that I know exist, but try to hide from others because I do not like them about me. However, I try to be aware of these traits and work on them as I can, and if I can. I guess I've just been doing a lot of thinking in general lately. laters, bn.