Too Many Enemy Tampons!

Jun 11, 2020 01:01

Looking for my icons? Hit up fracklelicious ;D

The friending "policy" is this:

First and foremost: Comment! Let me know something about you - why you'd like to be my friend, I'd just like to get to know people a little first. :) I'm very relaxed with friending, so you'll almost always be friended! :D

We must have some common interests - you can find out a little about me in my userinfo.

Don't ask to friend me if you rarely update/comment, I like to get to know all of my friends, so it's disappointing when I don't get the same in return.

This LJ contains explicit material, F words, you name it - if it offends you, don't ask to be friended.

Fangirls are awesome and always welcome here (to squee along with me!), unless you're a batshit fangirl. I don't work well with fandom drama/hate, so if you have it, take it elsewhere.

That's all!
