Jul 27, 2010 15:57
For the none of you on this LJ who have watched House on a regular basis, a recurring muted joke on the show was the suggestion that a patient has Lupus, which, apparently, is an umbrella name for a series of auto-immune diseases that can affect almost everything on your body. They must have suggested that disease about twenty times in the series before anyone was actually diagnosed with it. The running joke was "It's never lupus."
It could possibly be lupus though, when it's my great-grandmother. Apparently, after a run of blood tests, there are slight indications that she may have lupus, but the doctor does not want to do anything about it because she's old and even the tests to finalize the diagnosis are painful and useless.
It could also possibly be any other one of various ailments, blood problems, immune disorders, joint issues, cartilage troubles or bone complications. She's an eighty-something year old woman, what the hell do we expect? They don't actually want to do anything about it because most of the tests and remedies are worse than the ailment. We've decided to just stop taking her.
Who cares if it's actually lupus?
On a completely different note...
I'm currently entranced by the little things that make my relationship work. Shoghi and I do this thing we call RackBug Therapy... I am so often plagued by boy-and-work-related maladies that I feel guilty making my more level-headed husband listen to my blather. So, I devised a trade to sooth my guilty hormones. I lay him down and rub his back for an hour while I talk out my problems. My emotional catharsis parallels the knots I'm grinding out of his back. It's so very soothing.