Happy things in Jennyland

Feb 24, 2008 06:42

Yesterday when I got home from work I went to my mailbox and my New Minstrel Revue cd arrived! I was so giddy it was like x-mas! It was listened to for hours and kind of loud too......hope I didn't bother my neighbors.

I stopped at Crystal Haven after work too. I found new reading material......Spirit Rescue: A Simple Guide to Talking With Ghosts and Freeing Earthbound Spirits. I was trying to kill some time while waiting for an appointment so I sat and read this in the store and found it interesting enought to take home.

Today I'm going to my brother, and sister in laws house. I haven't seen them since x-mas.....looking forward to this visit I am. Normally I only see them at family get togethers. I really like visiting with them outside of family things because the dynamic is so different.....it's more personal and fun in a different way.

I'm cold....must go crawl under blankets. Have a good day!
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