So...I'm watching the DW movie on YouTube.

Jun 23, 2008 03:57

And I... liked it! Which is a very strange feeling. Perhaps it was a result of lowered expectations from all the whinging and moaning about it.

LOL at the Doctor reading The Time Machine for fun. So, the Master is "alive" in noncorporeal form, like Voldemort? Chinese gangbangers in San Francisco? WTF? Am I still watching DW? THE DOCTOR KILLED BY GUNFIRE? OMGWTF? Hee at "John Smith" on the identification forms Random Chinese gangbanger had to fill out. Ok, I'm sorry, but American nurses haven't worn those adorable hats for years. Unless the producers of the film thought they'd make a raging comeback in the oh-so-far-away and exotic future year of 1999, I'm calling foul. Two hearts! I'm clinging to anything familiar here.

Was Grace an *extra* in the opera she was crying so prettily at? Why is she in that ridiculous dress? So, the bullets do not kill the Doctor…Grace does. I found the Doctor floating in and out of consciousness very TCI-y. But why in the name of all that is holy would you cut into a guy when anesthesia is clearly not working? This makes no sense to me. Aww, Grace can’t catch up to the gangbanger! Well, perhaps if you were not wearing a corset for no discernible reason, you would have made it, dear.

So, the Master in silvery, slithery mode morphs into a cobra and slithers right on into Eric Roberts. Wouldn’t it have been fun if he’d gone into the wife, instead? I think the Master would enjoy at least one incarnation as a woman. It would make the fabulous outfits a bit less conspicuous.

Ew! Most gruesome regeneration ever! Was there a need for the gross flesh-twisting? Oh, Frankenstein clips. Subtlety, thy name is the DW Movie. Eight does not know who he is? What the…? I’m starting to think these DW showrunners just make this up as they go along. (AHAHAHA...I'm kidding, of course...I've known that for a long time)

Heh. Eight gets his clothes from the guy who’s going to the costume party. At least they’re explaining his ridiculous outfit this time around. Evil Master is evil. Blah blah blah. John Simm has ruined me for any other Master. Ruined me, I tell you!  I like the portly intern! He’s got a sense of humor about the whole seeing someone rise from the dead thing.

Oh, nice close-up of Eight. He’s rather pretty, isn’t he? And he has no concept of personal space. Yay! I sense sexy times ahead.

OMG, the Master looks like the Terminator. Dear Lord.

Eight: “Ah, Da Vinci…he had a cold when he drew that.” *love*

Chinese Gangbanger does the classic walk into TARDIS…jaw drop…walk back out of TARDIS. Ah, it never gets old. Although I must say I’m not enjoying the TARDIS as furnished by the Bombay Company. Oh, Eight is adorable, twirling out there in the park…*huggles*.

The Cloister Room is kind of cool, though. Why do we never get to see the other rooms on New Who? Yay! Conversation through a door flap! Grace, like any human, denies what’s in front of her. The Doctor walks through a glass door and she’s all, La, la, la, oh you crazy, delusional man!

The conversation in the ambulance? Made of win. The Doctor has met Freud (take note,
earlgreytea68!) And knew Madame Curie intimately! The Master corrects Grace’s grammar!

Oh, dear, I don’t like this business with using a gun against the motorcycle cop. It doesn’t feel like something the show would do. Was this the American influence, perhaps? I like seeing the Doctor doing things without the aid of psychic paper or sonic screwdriver. He’s roughing it and doing a fabulous job!

Grace: Why’d you do that? (after the Doctor hits the alarm)
Eight: To liven things up! (hee!)

Holding hands and running! Ohhh, the Cloister Bell. That sound automatically gives me the heebie-jeebies now. Ok, so Grace is chiming in about the physics of the TARDIS, but she balks at the idea of setting an alarm clock? Ouch! I did not see the sudden but inevitable betrayal by Grace coming. Yes! The Master in full, ridiculous regalia! Aw, poor Lee grows a backbone and is immediately killed by the Master.

Doctor: How will you open the Eye of Harmony now?
Master: (grabs Possessed!Grace)
Doctor: (Shit!) Unless I’m mistaken, that won’t work in her current state.
Master: (sucks the evil out of Grace…with his mouth)
Doctor: Noooooo! (Must really learn to keep my mouth shut)

Damn, The Master just shoved Grace right over that railing. He is effing hardcore. Master/Doctor struggle over the Eye of Harmony…omg…nailbiting…who will win? Aaand the TARDIS decided to bring Grace and Lee back to life, did she? Lovely.

Oh, that shot of Gallifrey through the TARDIS, uh, moonroof is heartbreaking. Poor Doctor! He has no idea what an evil man named Russell T Davies is about to do to him. The Doctor sends Lee off with a bag of gold dust. What does one do with a bag of gold dust these days?

Doctor: Come with me.
Grace: “Come with me?” No, you come with me!

Do you know, I like her. She’s strong, she’s independent, she doesn’t need the Doctor. I’ve missed companions like that. Romana and Leela come to mind. Not that she’s in their league, mind you, but it’s nice not to have to deal with the Doctor being worshiped by the Companion. And we end, just as we began, with the Doctor reading The Time Machine.

I must say, I think the movie’s gotten a bad rap. Yes, some of the actors were horrible, and the plot is threadbare at best, but I thought it was enjoyable. Paul McGann was excellent. He had a vulnerability and softness we’re not going to see in the Doctor ever again. And he was pretty. Which, of course, I care nothing about! *cough*

dw movie

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