Rules gakked from many, many journals
1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.
From the brilliant
np_complete1. What talent that you lack (other than singing) would you most like to have, and why?
Probably dancing. I experience major envy whenever I see a beautifully choreographed number on my screen. This, along with the singing, probably stems from a steady diet of movie musicals when I was growing up. That may seem hokey, but I defy you to watch Fred and Ginger glide across a sound stage and not sigh in appreciation.
2. Who is your favorite non-fictional non-human?
Tony the Bulldog. I've never met or even seen him, but EGT assures me that he is the ugliest bulldog in creation. Which automatically makes him the cutest thing ever.
3. We've been told that you've honed your critical and editorial skills on
earlgreytea68's fiction, and that you're quite good at it. If you could give Russell T. Davies constructive criticism, what would you tell him?
AHAHAHAHAHA! That was me laughing at the idea that EGT listens to a word I say. Yeah, she stopped that nonsense somewhere around senior year of college. Luckily, she writes brilliant things *in her sleep*, with very little editing needed. As far as RTD is concerned, you are asking the wrong person. I have unabashed, huge, embarrassing love for S4. I think Donna is the greatest thing since sliced bread and that the Doctor and Donna together are perfection. The only thing I'd tell Uncle Rusty is that he'd better not mess up Rose's return, or I will hunt him down and so something downright shocking to him. [/end empty threat]
4. Do you feel your college education prepared you for what you do for a living today? If not, do you wish you'd studied something else?
Absolutely. You'd be surprised how many science teachers didn't major in a science. Majoring in biology gave me a solid basis for answering all the questions those little buggers throw at me.
5. What can you not start the day without?
Music. I have to have it playing in the background as I putter around the house.
And, from the temporarily insane
earlgreytea68 (1) Are you trying to gross me out to the maximum extent possible?
Yes, always. It's not my fault you do not have my fine, sophisticated palate. Anyway, if I was really trying to gross you out I would have mentioned the giant, man-eating ants that swarmed all over the Commies in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
(2) What do you cook me for a birthday dinner?
Field greens, blue cheese, pecan salad with apple cider vinaigrette, topped with apple chips.
Rosemary, lemon and garlic roast chicken
Parmesan smashed potatoes
Lemon berry trifle
(3) Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
(4) What's the last playlist you listened to on your iPod?
Lately, I've been stuck on a Fifties and Sixties playlist, mostly listening to the same 10 or so Sam Cooke songs over and over again.
(5) What are the odds I have a weird alien infection?
NONE, YOU RAVING LUNATIC! What, the combination of ebola and strep throat wasn't exotic enough for you?