Family Wedding...

Sep 18, 2006 17:26

So I went to my cousin's wedding on Saturday. The good thing worth mentioning is the food. It was absolutely amazing! They had three stations: salad station, pasta station (which has 3 different kinds of pasta...yum), and the meat station (chicken, roast beef, twiced baked potato). I went to all stations and had all the options. It was probably the best wedding food I've ever had. Everything else was kind of weird because this is one of the cousins that belong to my recently divorced uncle. They haven't talked to the Kewley side of the family for about 2 years. I only went to the wedding to support my uncle. The worst part was that all my aunt, who just happens to also be my godmother, had to say to me was "good to see you" and "take care." Not once did she come up to me during the reception. Same goes for my cousins, including the getting married. I saw 3 of my cousins' children for the very first time. And when I say I "saw" them, I mean I saw them. I was not introduced the them or anything! Needless to say, besides being there for my uncle, it was pointless for me to go. Oh well, what comes around goes around. If they don't want to be apart of my life, then that's fine. I just hope they don't expect to be invited to my wedding, whenever that will be...

Anyways, in happier news, the Patriots won again!!! 2-0 baby! And I'm pumped I'm going to see them play next week since they are playing the Sunday night game. They'll probably lose, since I'll be watching, but my fingers are crossed!

I've also made a tentative decision on what I'll be getting my masters degree in. I think I'm going to get my masters in statistics with a concentration in biostatistics. That way my math degree won't go to waste and I'll be able to get a job whose salary maxes out at $165,000 a year if teaching doesn't work out! I have to do some more research, but that is my plan as of right now.

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