My Triumphant Return to LJ

Sep 05, 2006 13:49

Today marks my triumphant return to live journal. I apologize for being gone for so long! Much has happened since Dec. 26th, 2005. I survived student teaching and got an A-. My supervisor from WSC was Arthur Brunell (father of the Shrewsbury Brunell's as in Mary who graduated with me). I graduated college finally after 5 years! I became a licensed Massachusetts teacher about a month ago. And I finally received my diploma about 2 weeks ago. My summer has been very frustrating. I have been applying to jobs like crazy and have yet to get one. I've applied to over 15 schools and 20 positions and I have gone on one job interview, which was back in May. I thought it was going to be much easier becoming a teacher, but I guess I thought wrong. Right now it looks like I will be sitting out this school year and working at UMass. There are supposed to be some full time positions coming up in my department soon, so I'll be applying for those. As of right now, health insurance is my biggest concern, so substitute teaching is out of the question. Stupid government...I would have a job if it would actually support its school systems!

In other news, I am going to be an uncle soon. Alishia, my stepsister, is unfortunately pregnant. She is due at the end of November. I'm sure I do not need to get into why I am worried about this baby since everyone knows what kind of person Alishia is. I just hope she's been able to stay off of drugs and cigarettes while pregnant. Anyways...she's not the only one having a boss at LE is pregnant and is due in the next month or so. Everyone at LE is pushing for a girl cuz no one can see Allison with anything but a girl, but we'll see. I'm so excited for her. And last but no least, I found out that Jill is pregnant a couple of weeks ago when I saw Christine (CONGRATULATIONS JILL :) there anything else....I don't know, but that should get y'all caught up on my life!

Before I end this entry, I'd also just like to mention the passing of Steve Irwin, aka "The Crocodile Hunter." He was 44. He was killed in a freak encounter with a stingray yesterday. I think the conservation community is in deep morning for one of its best spokespeople. He was always my favorite Animal Planet personality and I always admired his committment to educating children and adults about animals and how important it is to protect their habitats. May he rest in peace.
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