Aug 17, 2005 00:06
Oh, today was annoying and crazy.
I got up late when I meant to get up early. I didn't even take a shower because I just felt dead. A shower probably would've helped, but I didn't care. My mom called and I told her what Laura had told me. I had planned to just go to The Reserve and get it straightened out myself because I had things to do and it was on the way. But she was outraged, so she just called them right away.
I left and went to the ATM to get the rest of the money that Clemson had given back last semester so I could take it to them. My mom called me back. No, I am no longer living with Laura, Christine, and Sarah. Someone forgot to call and tell me. (That's not an assumption; that's what they told my mom.) Now I'm living with Allison, Lindsey, and Hope. If it were a dorm room, it really would be no big deal because, I mean, what do you need to discuss...a tv and a refrigerator. And those are really not a big deal. But with an apartment, there are dishes and cups and a coffee pot and a toaster and a vacuum and a tv and a dvd player and lamps and who knows what else. I was fortunate the first time because Laura and Christine already lived there and already have everything but a tv, which I can get for free. I had saved about $200 to buy all that crap, and I was going to ask for stuff for my birthday. But I didn't need it, so I spent the money and got other things for my birthday. Well, now I'm not living with them. I don't know if they already live there and if they have any of those things. With my luck, I'll assume that they don't. So that'll be great. Plus, I have no idea if they've gotten the utilities set up yet, so if they haven't, then I need to go and do that. I'm so glad I found this all out today, Tuesday, when I move in on Saturday. I called Allison. Do you have any freaking clue how hard that was? No, you don't. A complete stranger who doesn't even know that one of the roommates she was originally assigned isn't living there, and now I am. She didn't answer her phone, and I was terribly grateful for that. I left a message explaining the situation and asking her to please call me back. Think she did? Of course not. I e-mailed the other girls because I just couldn't do that two more times. Of course they aren't on facebook, which is how I started talking to Laura. UGH. I really hope they email me back like tomorrow morning so I don't have to call them.
Anyway. My next stop was the post office. I wrote Michael this stupid letter because it seemed like maybe if I just told him everything that I could move on. But once I got there, I couldn't send it. Lame. But that wasn't my only reason for going to the post office. I sent back the shams so I could get a different color.
Then I went to Clemson. I parked at Sikes and put money in the meter. I went in. I paid my bill. I was back out in no more than ten minutes. It was probably closer to five. As I got to my car, the parking services bitch was walking away from it, and I had a ticket on my windshield. I checked the meter. It still had 25 minutes on it. I couldn't imagine what I had done wrong. There was another guy who had gotten one, and he was yelling at her. She said, "students aren't allowed to park in visitors' spots." Both of us had expired parking permits. We pointed that out to her. She said, "you were a student last year, and you're going to be a student next week, so you can't park here." We said, "if we had parked in the place where the permit told us to, we'd have gotten a ticket because our permits are expired. So we parked here and put our money in the meters. What else could we have done?" She said, "you should've parked in the 15 minute parking. I was like, okay lady, I don't know if you've ever had to do anything in Sikes, but 9 times out of 10, you're going to be in there more than 15 minutes, thus violating another rule and getting another ticket. We couldn't win. We fought and fought with her. I said to her, "I can't pay this ticket. The reason I don't have a current permit is because I can't afford it." I wasn't finished but she cut me off and said "Well you're going to have to get one." I said, "No I'm not. I'm not driving my car to school this semester. I'm taking the bus." So then she took back the one guy's ticket and tried to drive away. I went and knocked on her window and I was like, "I know you're not going to take his back and not mine when it was exactly the same violation." So she said she took it back but I don't believe her. Anyway, if she didn't, it's definitely getting appealed. In my opinion, having an expired permit is the same as not having one at all. And if I didn't have one at all, I wouldn't have gotten the ticket. And I'm not paying 30 fucking dollars for that.
Ohhhh geez. Brandon just said, "I win." And I so can't handle that. And I'm not even going to get into why. It's just so freaking annoying that things like that can bother me so much.
Anywayyy. When I got back from that bullcrap, my mom called and said that she had called Sallie Mae and now I had to call them. So I called them, and all I had to do was tell them this address and my old address (my PA address) and everything was fine. I don't know what the heck that was about because I had already given them the addresses. They had them on file all correct and everything. I just had to verify it. So hopefully that'll all go through and Clemson will get the money and I won't get screwed too badly.
Tonight San had to go to Walmart and it was crazy as usual. Only Brandon and Austin went but they were running around and being insane. I only went with them because I knew Brandon (the other one, obviously) was working. I looked all over for him but I didn't see him so that was no fun. Oh well. Hopefully tomorrow will be less insane. I need to go to Anderson to get some stuff, but I really don't want to drive there. Maybe my grandma will take me cause she's always looking for stuff to do. And hopefully Allison, Hope, or Lindsey will get back to me in the morning so I know if I need to get anything else while I'm there.