Sep 22, 2005 16:44
Yay! I've survived nearly two weeks of classes! I'm actually pretty psyched about them. My German course is going well, even if I have to cram vocab every single night. I used up 200 index cards within a week making flashcards!!! Unfortunately, my previous German education's a bit uneven, so the teacher assumes that I'll know actual grammar and spelling. She rolled her eyes at me when I "interrupted" class to ask if the plural of "foot" (Fuß) still had an ß. Turns out it doesn't (Füsse), and I think it was a pretty good question, given that the book never said that and none of my classmates knew it either. Yeah, yeah, I know I talk too much in class…
My English class is pretty interesting, "U.S. Latino/a Literature", only there are times I wish I knew Spanish so I could understand some of the original poetry instead of getting stuck with the translations. Our only homework for Friday is to watch a Cowboy movie that was kinda slow-moving and had some awful acting, and everyone else watching it bellyached about how terrible it was. I think they should be damn greatful they didn't have to watch Chushingura, one of the films shown in my "Japanese Cinema" class last term. Chushingura is a slow-moving film whose story is so well known in Japan that the film doesn't bother introducing the 50 main characters… and it's over 3 hours long!!!
Computer Science is fine… kinda easy, but then again I'm not actually doing the book readings… (guilty wince)
My main activities include Kendo, German Coffee hour, Benton House (Sci-fi) events, and anime club.
Having fun, but I'm pretty busy, so don't expect regular updates!