May 10, 2006 13:19

hey Frodo!!

exams are over!! yup! OVER!!!

I can't believe its over! finally! i'm crazy!!!

I got 76 for maths pah.

tmrw getting science results. apparently i improved but what is improved?? i want a star on my leaf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

exams were okay lah. science was quite okay. i studied like hell lor!! used the word displaced like, three times....

and then it was compo. both chinese and english. english my conclusion was very hasty and one sentence. sigh.

chinese was okay lah. just finished when the bell rang.... but at least i finished right.... there was this friend who didn't finish the compo at all!

then it was maths. went horribly.

then it was chinese paper. quite easy

then today it was english. was okay too. comprehension was so long lor!!

okay.... june hols coming. napfa coming also. i hate napfa. its next week. damn u napfa....

then next fri going out with steph, sarah tan and maybe lianne. yay!

byee frodo! nothing much to blog...
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