new but not really

Apr 06, 2009 19:16

 Hello everyone,

I, bouhlover, am posting my first journal entry only it is not really my first.  I've been a member for quite some time under a different name.  Unfortunately, I cannot tell you my other name nor share any of my previous entries or fics with you.

You see, I have a "domestic situation" going on right now so I've had to go into hiding for a while.  Hopefully this will come to an end soon and my identities can merge.  Until then... please bear with me.  Some of you may recognize me but please do not comment publicly.  You may send a note to my email if you wish.  I have chosen to hide my email but I think there is a way for you to contact me privately????  I will have to check on that and let you know.

Sorry to be so secretive but some things can't be helped.

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