After a VERY strong start out of the box, orders for CS #20 have slowed to a trickle, like they always do a couple months after a new issue.
I wish I could think of a cost effective way to get the word out to new readers. I think I should brainstorm. Join me in the comments section, won't you?
Ok, heres what I've found is mostly a waste of time:
*Spam emails just get ignored
* Web advertising seems to falls on deaf ears because people online want EVERYthing for free. As soon as they find out they have to paypal me some money, they lose interest.
*Ads in other magazines are too expensive, and my target market is too hard to focus on unless the magazine is JUST like mine. CS is pretty unique, which is both it's curse and it's reason for being celebrated.
Things that used to work:
*Review zines used to be a great way to get the word out, but they all got killed off by everyone dumping their zines for webpages and blogs. The few that exist (Broken Pencil, etc) don't garner me any orders even if given a glowing review.
Things that are working:
*Personal word of mouth. But this is SO slow! Unless I'm at cons and can see a lot of people at a time, it's a very slow process just meeting strangers on the bus, at work and at parties -- but I do what I can.
*Sending out little flyers about the mag to other people who make like-minded zines, to include in envelopes when they mail out their mags
*Ad trades are good. Meaning: Trading add space like I recently did with that hentai anthology, but I don't want too many ads in CS, nor do I want ads for stuff that is unrelated. Anime Porn is about as different from exploitation and porn movies as i wanna get. It was good to get my ad in their porn anthology though. I think it helped.
*Message board PR stuff. Going on movie and alternative culture-type boards and letting people know it exists via conversation. Also quite time consuming, but if I had other people helping me (A Cinema Sewer "army" if you will) it might go easier.
Sooo... not to babble on and on.. but if you come up with any ideas, let me know! I'm open to anything you come up with to help advertise and the magazine itself. My paypal is at, and the list of stuff I have for sale is at: K? Come up with awesome ideas! ANNNNND: GO!
(Photo Credit: Reid Harris Cooper)