(no subject)

Feb 28, 2007 15:12

100quills prompt: Sarcasm

Sarcasm had always been Draco's friend, from the moment he'd learned to speak. It could hurt and conceal, often at the same time, and it was his favourite form of defense, next to his wand.

It was unnerving, then, to meet Longbottom, who failed to understand sarcasm entirely.

"No, I love roaming dark forests full of terrifying animals," Draco said dryly, wishing that he could see better. After all, if a werewolf were to come charging out at them, surely it would be less painful if he saw it coming?

"Oh, uhm, I don't," Longbottom informed him nervously, holding out his lit wand with a shaking hand.

Draco raised an eyebrow at him, and snorted, feeling somehow comforted by the fact that even a Gryffindor- even one that seemed like it would be better off in Hufflepuff- could admit to being afraid.

"But the trees are so pretty like this!" he exclaimed, forgetting to keep his voice down, "And-"

Then Longbottom's free hand was over his mouth, and his red face was right in front of Draco's eyes, looking astonished at his own daring. "Don't talk so loud!" he whispered urgently, and drew back.

"Too late," Draco told him, easily injecting a fearful tremble into his voice, "Don't look now-"

He raised his eyes to gaze off into the distance, just above Longbottom's shoulder, as if there was something just behind him. Predictably, Longbottom jumped and spun around, and Draco pounced as soon as his back was turned.

A burst of red sparks and a sore ear later, Draco had learned his lesson: never, ever, use sarcasm on people like Longbottom when Hagrid was around.


100quills, hpqfac, ficlet, draco/neville

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