Two Big Teases: Part One

Aug 27, 2006 21:31

Title: Two Big Teases: Part 1
Authors: Yours Truly
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Harry makes the mistake of insulting Draco.  He gets punished.  Severely
Warnings: could cause heart attack from the amount of hotness piled into one AIM conversation
Word Count: 1,380
Author's Note: we snickered.  a lot.  let that be another warning to you all.

Two Big Teases: Part One

D: so you think I'm compensating for something, eh?

D: just wait ‘til you see what's going up your ass tonight, BITCH!

H: mmmm *purrs*

D: didn't we have sex like, 2 days ago?

D: multiple times?

H: ...oh yeah.

D: on video?

D: with handcuffs?

D: *smirk*

H: mm-fluffy handcuffs…

D: yeah, those are my favorite…

H:  notice that scar on my neck?

H: and how you gave it to me?

D: yeah…

H: I’m expecting future neck licking of that scar, I don’t care how long it takes.

D: oh, you'll get it…

D: but you'll have to apologize for that "compensating" comment first.

H: hmm...

H: I would say make me.....

H: but I’m afraid of the consequences…

D: ohhhh…

D: it's on now!

H: bring it!

D: *unbuttons the top of his shirt*

H: *fights to keep coherency*

D: *slowly undoes three more*

H: *wipes up drool before he can notice*

D:  ready to apologize yet? *evil grin*

H: ohafsdkfn *faints*

H: *twitches from sexy evil grin*

D: *taps on shoulder*

D: Harry?

D: Harry, wake up.

D: for Merlin's sake, I didn't even get my shirt halfway off!

H: *takes advantage of Draco bending down and pounces*

D: *pushes away*

D: Ohhh, no you don't.

H: *stumbles back* hey!

D: *grabs handcuffs*

H: this better be good!

D: don't make me use these!

H: *sly grin*

H: oh no, looks like I’m going to attack you again!

D: *evil grin* Oh, you WANT to be tied up, don't you?

D: you can't wait to be at my mercy, can you, you weak little idiot.

H: *breathes hard from evil grin and the insults* god, yes…

D: *advances*

H: *stares dumbly*

D: *cuffs Harry to the bed*

H: *stares straight into his eyes*

H: *begins to writhe*

D: *licks finger*

H: Draacoooo!! *whine*

D: *runs it along exposed skin*

D: yes?

H: *gasp gasp* pleeasee...

H: just *moan*do it!

D: *another button opens*

H: *strains against handcuffs*

D: you have to apologize for being such an evil little bastard to me first, Harry.

D: *another button*

H: *regains composure* and if I don’t? *evil grin*

D: *runs tongue along bottom lip*

D: *evil grin*

D: you'll be punished!

H: *very loud gasp* *bites tongue*

D: *last button*

H: *eyes roll into head* then no-I’m not *drool* sorry

D: Do you want me to take it off, Harry?

H: mmmm-Draacooo! Yesss…

H: please just take the fucking thing off!

D: *shakes head*

D: not until you apologize...

H: *fights with self* yes-no! No, I will not!

D: *unzips trousers*

H: *jaw drops* okay, I’m getting convinced...

D: *steps out of them*

H: *writhes and moans* yesss...

D: See, Harry?

D: Do I have anything to compensate for?

H: *shakes head, eyes still staring*

H: might have to do a little more convincing there…

D: *sloooowwwly removes boxers*

H: I mean, after all it's you and well you are so fond of bragging and-

H: *loses coherency*

D: *shrugs shirt off*

H: no... I mean yes!-well, no, you don’t have anything to *gulp* compensate for…

D: *advances*

D: Say you're sorry.

H: I’m…

H: I’m...

H: still wearing clothes…

D: *sucks on a finger*

D: mmmmmm.....

D: *closes eyes*

H: *can no longer resist* OKAY! Okay I’m sorry! Just-god, Draco, fuck me NOW!

D: *opens eyes and smiles*

H: *hangs head shamefully*

D: *sigh* Oh, Harry.

D: I'm afraid that wasn't fast enough.


D: Therefore...

H: *splutters* ALL THAT AND NOTHING!

D: I am going to move just as slowly as you did...

H: AND YOU LITTLE-wait, what?

D: *begins to unbutton Harry's shirt, then stops*

D: Did you just call me little again?

H: *mumbles* wha-?

D: Damn you!

H: no, no! That wasn’t my fault!

H: I just, I didn’t mean to!-I was going to say something but then there was the slowly thing and it just came out!

D: Harry James Potter, if you want to get laid in the next month, you had better apologize RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

D: *puts hands on hips and waits*

H: *cannot resist forceful voices* I’M SORRY!

D: *doesn't move*

H: there-I said it, I’m sorry and you are huge, Draco-fucking massive! Really like an elephant or something!

H: wait, no!

D: *grimace*

H: I didn’t mean that!

D: ok, Harry, no need to go that far.

D: *frowns*

H: a very sexy skinny elephant with you know...muscle and umm...blond hair?


D: *silence*

H: *sigh* well, fine.

H: I tried my best but no, you didn’t want it…

D: *raises hand to mouth*

H: so I guess you are the one who is not going to get laid for a month

D: *thoroughly licks palm*

D: *raises eyebrow*

D: oh really?

D: we'll see about that…

H: *gaze drifts* no! I will not be seduced after you rejected my apology!

H: *squirms against handcuffs*

D: *trails wet hand down bare chest*

D: *takes a step back for good measure*

H: I...will not...*mumbles* beseducedbyyourhandandpalmandohgod…

D: *pinches nipple*

D: *throws head back*

D: *moans*

H: *stifles gasp and closes eyes* there, can’t see your sexiness…

D: *touches self lightly*

D: Ohhh, Harry...

D: *gasp*

H: mmmm-sounds not fair!

D: Harry, please, yes...

H: mmmmmm...*moans*

D: *strokes faster*


D: ohhhhhh...

D: *glares*

D:  you called me skinny!

D: That's it.

H: *is very turned on by glare*

D: *begins stroking himself furiously*

D: *leans against wall*

D: *spreads legs*

D: Ohhhhhhh....Harry...please...


D: Oh god, Harry, I'm going to...*moan*


D: *claws at wall with other hand*

H: *completely losing it* Dr-Draacoo!

D: Oh god, Harr-yyy! *comes*

H: *writhes and moans against bed*

D: *slumps against wall*

H: *panting very hard and stares with pure hate at Draco*

D: *grinding teeth* get-over here-now!

D: *advances*

D: *takes Harry's face in both hands*

H: *evil glare* you better make this good, after coming without me

D: *silences with a kiss*

H: *is silenced by a kiss*

H: *moans into mouth*

D: *pulls away*

H: *tries to reach out for* nooo...

D: *tilts Harry's head to one side*

D: *licks neck*

H: *screams* DRACO!!!

D: licks neck again*

D: *bites earlobe*

D: come for me, Harry...

H: y-y-yess! More, fucking hell-MORE!

H: *groans and pants*

D: *cups Harry through his trousers*

D: *rubs*

D: *licks neck*

D: come on, baby...

H: *overly stimulated*

H: *screams at top of lungs*


D: come for me...

H: *comes*

H: *thrust come thrust*

D: *moans*

D: God, Harry...

H: *reaches up and kisses Draco*

D: *kisses back hard*

H: *grabs tongue with teeth*

D: *moans*

H: *swallows moan with more kissing*

D: *muffled groan*

H: *licks Draco's lips*

D: mmm. *closes eyes*

D: Harry?

H: *distracted* mm..yes?

D: Don't ever insult me like that again.

H: *laughs and licks ear* never.

D: I'm serious. Next time your punishment will be much, much worse.

H: *groans* never, never, never…

D: *moans at ear licking*

H: *stops* Draco?

D: mmm...what?

H: never come without me again.

D: *evil grin*

H: or else your punishment will be far worse than what you did to me.

D: *tries to look scared and fails miserably*

D: mmmm-hmmmm...yeah, won't do that again...

H: *glares* really want to test me on this?

D: *looks down*

D: well, yes, it would appear that I do.

H: *rolls eyes and silently unlocks handcuffs*

H: *throws Draco off and stalks towards door*

D: *startled*

D: hey, Harry, wait...

H: Draco, darling, what is the longest you've gone without sex?

D: I was kidding!

D: Oh, come on...

D: Harry, don't threaten me. You know you'll never be able to resist me for long.

H: I’m not kidding or coming-but you didn’t answer my question

D: ummm...I don't know, a week?

D: since I lost my virginity that is...

H: well then you wouldn’t be to happy if it were, say-one month?

D: *grins*

D: You'll never make it.

H: the question is not if I will make it…

H: but will you?

H:*walks out of door*

D:*whispers after him* oh, I'll find a way...


smut, big teases fic, co-fics, fic

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