(no subject)

Aug 24, 2006 16:03

Title: When Fangirls Go Wild (With Video Cameras): The Harry and Draco Edition
Authors: Yours truly
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: H/D
Summary: Draco is sad about Lucius dying...Harry lends a helping hand
Warning: crack. but HOT crack!
Genre: dialogue-style; PWP
Disclaimer: until we rule the world, these two other guys arent ours either.  join the club.
A/N: this is what happens when you give 
hecticity and
friartux_shop AIM

Setting: Lucius is dead, and Draco and Harry are together. The rest is up to you, dear readers, as this is what we fondly call a PWP.

Draco: dude, my fucking FATHER died!

Harry: I KNOW!

D: which gives me all these cool opportunities for guilt and messed up shit!

H: Draco, it wasn’t your fault!

H: let's have sex to make you feel better, k?

D: *is sad*

D: wait...did you say sex?

D: *bounces up and down*

D: make that...*bounces up and down ON HARRY*

H: *moans*

D: Oh, HARRY!!! *wail*


D: *does it again*

D: *snogs*

D: mmmm...you taste so good...*licks*

H: *dies* *comes* *dies again*

H: you know my weakness is neck licking…

D: *licks neck*

D: *bites earlobe*

D: *screams*

D: *comes as well*

Becca and Harry: *faints*

H: *dies*

H: *screams*

H: *dies some more*

D: *is scarred by his lover dying on him* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

D: Not you too!

H: *comes some more*

D: oh, ew. Posthumous come.

H: *is revived*

D: oh wait...just kidding.

H: ouch, man

D: *slurp* yum...

H: mmmm *squirms*

D: don't die on me, okay?

D: *nibble*

D: because then I'd be even more fucked up and evil than I already am.

H: *barely coherent* wouldn’t...*moan* dream of it…

D: *sucks neck*


D: Oh god Harry...I'm going to come again!

H: not before me!

D: *moans*

H: *comes*

D: *comes simultaneously*

D and H: *both come screaming*

H: *pant pant*

D: *sprawls on top of Harry*

D: *contented sigh*

H: *traces circles with tongue*

D: *snuggles* mmmm...I love when you do that.

H: *snuggles back* mmm...m'neck feels lonely…

D: *chills run down spine*

D: oh, we can't have that, now can we? *ravishes neck*

H: *shivers and moans and snuggles more*

D: *moans against neck*

D: *falls asleep*

Becca: (psst-finished the plot)

H: HEY! Who let her in here!?

D: *mumbles* who the hell cares? Go to sleep, love.

Becca: ignore the video camera! *flees*

D: *sitting up*

D: video camera? What?

H: *pushes back against bed*

H: *ravishes stomach*

D: *moans* Haaarrrrr-yy...

D: touch me?

D: *moan* please? *gasp*

H: hmmm...and why should I? *evil grin*

D: guhhh... *is insanely turned on by evil grin*

H: *unable to resist Draco anymore*

D: *smirks*

H: *runs tongue down spine*

D: I knew you'd come around.

Becca: *snickers*

D: *arches back*

D: *screams*

H: *laughs evilly to turn him on more*

D: *dies of arousal*

H:*bites shoulder*

D: *revives*

H: ahh! Don’t die!


D: mmmm...

H: oh good-you owe me for dying like that you know *pouts*

D: you died on me TWICE already! Wait…four times!

H: oh yeah...

D: *considers* which I guess I should take as a compliment...

H: *grins evilly more*

D: hhhnnggg *muffled groan*

H: like to make me die again? *smirks* consider it a..challenge.

D: what?

D: *can't think because of Harry’s previous evil grin*

D: ...a challenge?

H: mmm- I know how you like those

H: or I could just NOT die anymore

H: wait...

H: *reconsiders*

D: I don't want you to die!

D: although...

H: *is sad at lack of layers that JKR gave him*

D: *feels infinitely cooler*

H: *pouts at Becca, who didn’t think about what she just said*

Becca: hey! Not my fault-all that neck-licking and such...

D: *grins at Becca for being right*

Becca: *still filming and moans at Draco’s grin*

D: you're just being truthful, darling. *licks Becca's neck*

D: *frowns*

D: you don't taste like Harry.

Becca: OMG *dies from extremely hot neck licking*

D: Harry?

D: where'd you go?

H: *still pouting in closet* I’m in the closet!

H: and JKR won’t let me out!

D: of course you are, darling. Let me help you.

D: *dances naked*

H: * claps hands gleefully* dance monkey, dance!

D: *glares*

H: *comes out of closet-world, applauds, and comes*

D: it's supposed to be SEDUCTIVE, you git!

H: *extremely turned on by name calling*

D: *advances* you slimy little in denial BASTARD!

H: *screams and falls on to bed*

D: you're a fucking shirtlifter and you know it!

D: *grins evilly* and you're MINE!

H: *moans very loudly* god- more!

D: *pounces*

H: *is pounced on*

H: you know how our fighting turns me on!

H: that's why we do it so much in the books...

D: *bites* shut up, you bloody idiot!

H: AHHH-Draacooo!!

D: *molests thoroughly*

D: Ohgod...

D: *comes*

H: *comes with draco*

D: *satisfied smile*

H: *moans more* mmmmm…

D: *collapses*

H: *is collapsed on*

D: mmmm. *falling asleep*

D: *mumbles* night, Harry.

H: *licks ear* g'night draco...

D: *soft moan* sweet dreams...

H: *joins in moaning* only about you.

D: *another satisfied smile* as if I expected any less!

Becca: *sneaks out of room to share tape with anna*

Anna: *comes x(infinityxinfinity) + infinity*

Anna: *hides inside draco*


D: *looks confused*

Anna: he's all lovely and warm...

D: why, thank you.

H: is that a GIRL inside of you?

D: *looks* um...maybe?


D: um...okay...

D: *gives birth*

H: ewww. Mpreg.

H: *beats with fluffy handcuffs*

D: *is turned on by the fluffy handcuffs*

Anna: *has to pee*

H: *forgets about fangirl*

Anna: *runs away*

D: *cuffs Harry to bed*

Becca: *snickers and whips out handy dandy video camera*

Anna: *panting, appears again* did I miss anything?

Becca: *grins*

Anna: ooh! Handcuffs and a video camera!

H: hey! Get them out of here!!

D: *glares* I just so happen to be slightly incapacitated at the moment.

H: *looks down at Draco and drools*

D: *wriggles*

D: *seductively* come and get it!

H: *forgets about fangirls and ravishes*

D: *moans*

H: *attacks tummy*

D: oh god not the tummy again! *wails*

H: *licks circles around belly button*

D: *comes*

H: *lick lick*

D: god Harry...

H: *grins evilly* yes, darling?

D: *glomps*


H: *yelps*

H: *squirms*

D: you bloody idiot, I'm going to make you scream so loud they'll hear you on Pluto! *is suddenly everywhere at once*

H: *begins to moan at name calling*

H: mmmm...Draco...

D: *pet stroke lick bite snuggle*

H: *gasp* YES!

D: *draws patterns on Harry's chest with his fingertips*

D: follow the fingers, Harry...

D: they're getting loooowwweerrrr....

H: *begins to wail loudly* mm-wha? Fingers? *yelps again* DRACO!

D: *strokes inner thigh*

H: *stares with glazed eyes* dr-dr-oh god!!

H: *pant pant*

D: you want me to touch it, don't you?

D: tell me.

H: you fucking tease!

D: *grins*

H: *gasps brokenly* Draco-please...

D: *runs lazy finger along left hip*

H: *screams* DO IT NOW!

D: *singsong voice* tell me how much you waaaannnntt mee...

H: want you-Draco. Please, so much…

D: *licks other hip*

H: mm, not the hip!

D: I'm listening...

D: how much?

H: *moans grow louder*

H: more! want… you more-than...any-anything

D: *nibbles thigh*

H: *now panting and moaning and gasping* the thighs-god the thighs and hips-please, Dracowantmoresomuch…

D: *can no longer resist*

H: *grins evilly*

D: *moans*

H: you bloody fucking tease! Come on!!

D: *licks precum*

D: mmmm.

H: *whines and trembles*

H: *bites lip*

H: *losing coherency* DracoDracoDraco…

D: guh. Not the lip! *swallows Harry whole*

H: *screams so people on Pluto can hear him*

D: *smirks around the cock in his mouth*

D: I told you!

H: *looks down at the smirk*

H: *comes*

D: god H-harry, you're so fucking HOT when you come! *comes untouched*

H: *arches back off bed* ngghh-DRACO!

D: *blacks out*

H: *pulls Draco's body up next to him*


D: *comes (snicker) to*

D: mmm...*snuggles*

Becca: *snicker*

D: best fucking orgasm EVER.

H: mmm, no arguments there *is drowsy*

D: *is too weak to move*

D: *drapes limply across Harry and falls asleep*

H: *falls asleep whilst snoogling Draco's neck*

Becca: is proud of the fantastic porn in front of her

Anna: *is dead from the hottness*

Becca:*joins Anna dead on the floor*

smut, co-fics, fic

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