Just a boring update.

Sep 15, 2008 14:34

So work is entering it's 4th quarter which means I'll be busting out 10 & 11 hour days. Luckily I'm salary so I won't be making more money on overtime, who needs it right?
The doctor is making me work out so I'm going to attempt this weekend to do something about it. I'd love to be in shape with flexable muscles and what not but my body really hates physical activity.. Any tips?
Lately I've been somewhat of a homebody trying to recover from vacation STILL. For some reason after the trip I've been so careless with money and I can't seem to stop. But hookers don't come cheap with the needs I require.. It's a curse.

Tomorrow however I'm fortunate to have the day off and will be at the vet for most of the morning. It would be all fine except this place is by Ridgeview high school and gas costs a left ball per gallon. I'm going to try to make the most of my venture though, you know.. the whole get stuck in traffic on Blanding.. Get a ticket probably for not having a car with anything christian on it.. Who knows, the possibilities are endless.

Other then that I'm still lame, but I look fantastic in a speedo.
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