Another week..

Aug 11, 2008 17:07

After 4pm my job just stands still... It's a small wonder why I don't post in this more often. Write something creative rather than catch up on my viral videos, troll forums or try to find good free porn sites.
Not sure why but it's hard to get back into this thing, I've become incredibly reclusive the past several years. Much more private.. Not sure if that comes with age or I just really got tired of most of the people I know. I doubt the latter but hey I could be lying.
I honestly think shit is just boring, everything I start doing I get bored with really fast. Perhaps I just gave up on life.. Like dropping off the grid but still contributing to this fine country. Better than being dead.. I mean I can still look at porn I guess.

I'm going to start those writers block things tomorrow.. Perhaps that will be entertaining and get me back into writing who knows.
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