Mar 15, 2005 12:53
well.. I think I just invented a new word. Although.. the last time I thought I invented a word (PITA)..someone told me I didn't and then I was all sad. Oh well I dont care.. I made this one up for sure. Stressure... its a mixture of stress and pressure... stressure. Used in a sentence.." I am under so much stressure right now." There ya go... use it as you wish.
SO... I am under so much stressure right now haha. I have SO much homework all of a sudden, PLUS I'm only home for like.. 3 hours now because of the musical. I have a test, and 2 quizzes on thursday, plus an essay for government and a HUGE essay for english both due thursday. Not to mention that thursday's classes are shortened because of the go home early drill AND an assembly.( wow said thursday one too many times!) Super short classes mean less time for the tests and stuff.. oh well! Also, I have friggen scholarship applications/essays due this month.. and the musical is in 2 weeks. AHH What I really would like to know is WHY do I now have all this school work to do when I have NO time. Earlier in the year, when I had nothing to do.. I had no homework. Now, I'm getting pounded with it. It will all be ok soon I just have to manage my time better. I just have a lot going on all at once is all. Not fun...
OK enough complaining! Here's something new.. BOY NEWS! It's been a while I know! My friend's friend saw my senior picture and apparently he thinks I'm pretty. SO my friend said " you should meet him.." so I said "ok." haha great conversation I know. But ne way I hope this guy is NICE and cute and funny and all that stuff. Hopefully he will be a cool new friend that I can hang out and just have fun with!
Alright that's all!