"keep on keepin on"

Nov 13, 2004 13:10

I visited Oswego this week... I absolutely love it. It was rainy and windy and cold...but other than that it seems like a great college. The food is good.. there is a hockey team (which means big strong guys) and there are a ton of different places to eat... 2 places to work out... there is a good chance could make the tennis team..and if I want I could get into Johnson hall which they call "hotel Johnson" or something like that because it is sooo nice! Hmm what else.... I think I am going to take a pottery class there even though it has nothing to do with my major.. because the teacher is SO CUTE! He's old and kinda reminds me of a turtle.. but he's so nice and..well I dunno but you know how sometimes old ppl are cute...??? Well he is a cute old man and I want to be in his pottery class. Ok so I still have to visit Cortland.. even though I really want to go to Oswego. See... when I find something I'm satisfied with.. I dont see the point in looking for something else. But I understand that I might not get into the college I want so..hopefully I will find another one I like just as much.

Alright... in the sport section of my life.. tennis is over.. and I decided to do Indoor Track..this way I can get in shape..and stay in shape during the winter.. and then be ready for outdoor track in the spring! Lots of ppl tell me that indoor track sucks.. but .. I dont see how they can love outdoor track and hate indoor track.. you basically do the same thing...right?! Well.. I am kinda excited because I am going to work my butt off ( literally haha sry guys), eat healthy, and I will finally be working out and getting in shape and hopefully I will lose some weight and have defined muscles and bla bla bla...!

That's about it for this girl! I will update ya the next time something new happens!
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