Man, Battlestar is truly excellent this season

Feb 07, 2009 14:47

It took me about ten minutes after the episode to wonder...  "oh no! What about Hoshi?"  He's going to be way sad without Gaeta, and I like him. He's a stand up guy.

This episode was really exciting. And well written. but not rushed. Not as rushed feeling as the first ep of Season 4 felt to me. Good job Angeli for not fucking it up.

Galactica's falling apart :(.

I was so sure Chief was going to have his hand in the smashy thing when they was that terrifying. It was great to see his Chiefy side returning, and his conversation with Kelly. I really liked the way they did Kelly's shift of loyalties, you could see about 5 moments in the episode where they were emphasizing the difficulty of his choice and his growing doubt.

So, Anders is totally going to die. Hopefully that means more Cottle! Sorry if that's not empathetic....I just think he's a bit of a characterless lump. I do hope Seelix has to answer for what she did to him, though, because that was truly inhuman and I thought she was a sweet gal before that. Just thinking about the scene where she gets her pins from Kara.....ugh.  Oh, how they fall.

Adama + Tigh + Starbuck + Lee = EPIC WIN
They were an awesome team. SO MANY GUNS!
Lee's thing with the grenade was priceless. Why waste it?

And Laura kicked ass too. Her speech to Zarek at the end was great! I loved seeing Adama's face whenever he heard her on the wireless. she doesn't have to worry about the Quorum any more, I guess. I don't know whether anyone else would volunteer for that job!

Seeing a bit of the Romo was also nice. Someone on the Galactica writing staff has a thing about pens and the misunderstood - Baltar's writing pen, Gaeta stabbing Baltar, now Romo going Rambo with his.

More sadness that Galactica's falling apart :(.
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