
Dec 28, 2006 09:47

This isn't home, but when I am in the same house with my mom for a period of time (days), I learn lessons. I have been this time. I don't think it's anything huge, but I gain insight when I am out of my normal realm. I do want to get back, but I cannot change how soon that happens, so I'm just trying to get done the things I need to and relax in the meantime. I'm figuring out my place (if I have one) in many aspects of my life.

I hope that I can always say that I was a worse person yesterday than I am today. Always.

I try really hard to be who I want to be, who I should be.

Am I getting there? Maybe.

I've bever really tried to gain patience, but it's one of the scariest things to kneel down and pray for. That and humility, right?

I've had to make decisions while I've been here and I know they're right, but there's never any guarantee that they'll lead you to the short-term outcome you desire. I know I'll be happy ultimately, but what will be sacrificed along the way has not been made clear and I fear for what I may be giving up by following the promtings I've received in the last few days and weeks. Heavenly Father knows what I want most. I must have faith that His wisdom is greater than my own and that His love for me will ensure that any sacrifice I make will be worth it even in my mortal and imperfect eyes.

Going back will be strange. The END is near and I am not certain what I'll be doing after I get there. Dang.

Peaceful uncertainty. Faith. Patience. Prayer. Endurance.

I have things to accomplish before January 6th.
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