Jan 26, 2007 22:35
Tags: meme
Bedroom Meme stolen from phdelicious cuz I'm bored while traveling to Whitehorse
Do you have the following in your bedroom:
Condoms: No, althoughI have heard of them
Cellphone: I refuse to buy one until Tug buys one
Chair/stool: Yes
Book shelf: No, there are huge ones in other parts of the house
Dresser: Yes
Computer/laptop: No
Bean bag: No.
Pictures: One of me and my previous dog on her last hunt
Mirror: Sort of...it's an etched mirror with wolves on it
Skateboard: No.
Bed: Queen size
Clothes on the floor: No, it's against my religion
Surfboard: No
Smoke detector: Yes
Piano/keyboard/Guitar/bass/drums: No, althouhg I wish I owned a keyboard. Hmmm, maybe phd would sell me hers!
Locking door: No
Bottle of water: No
Blacklight: No
Medals/ribbons: Boxed up in the garage
CDs: No
Flag: No
Stop sign/any sign: No
Real Gun: Yes, loaded 20 ga for anyone thinking to do bad things
Cigarettes: No, icky
Pot: No
Any drug: In the medicine cabinet, you dope
Alcohol: No, in the liquor cabinet, you lush
Books: Yes, several current works in the headboard
PS2: No
XBox: No
Stereo: No, in the stereo cabinet, you music fiend
Television: No, in the entertainment center, you couch potato
Lighter: No
Gum: No
How many windows do you have in your room? Two, so the moose alarm (Tug) can wake me out of a sound sleep at 2AM by barking at the moose in the yard
What are the colours of your walls? Bone
Do you get ready for the day in your room or the bathroom? Both
What colour is your bed sheet? blue, gold and white
What's on your walls? Wildlife art prints
Has the opposite sex slept in your bed? Yes, but not at the same time I was there
Anyone other than you ever had sex in your bed? That is presuming I've had sex in it
Who usually sleeps in your bed other than you? My dog, Tug
Do you like your bedroom? Yes, except for that annoying Moose Alarm